Jun Qi - Art & Illustration

Jun Qi

storytelling and illustration

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Tortoise and Hare Road Race

July 17, 2022
Children's Books
The finished contest piece
The character design line-up, which really helped me with creating the finished work

This was a piece I created for the SVS Critique Arena Challenge for the month of July, based on the prompt "Rabbit Road Race". I knew that the "tortoise x hare" Aesop fable reference would probably be invoked a lot, so I wanted to create a concept that would turn the whole thing on it's head and be whimsical and out-of-the-world enough to feel like a fresh take on the fable.

As part of working on this piece, I also fleshed out the character designs for each of the racers, as shown in the character lineup (second image). I took the opportunity to use this prompt to work through a character design course, which helped me be more deliberate in employing shape language and proportion in my designs.

Painted in Krita.

Jun Qi - Art & Illustration

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