Jun Qi - Art & Illustration

Jun Qi

storytelling and illustration

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Refu(SAL/SE/GE) - A Webcomic

Since March 26, 2022
Opening scene from my webcomic Refu(SE/SL/GE), showing a slightly neurotic and psychedelic self-portrait, subtitled: 'In which I am moulded into a defective product for the marketplace of human labour

Refu(SAL/SE/GE) tells the story of a bildungsroman marked by refusal, refuse, and the seeking of refuge. I created this semi-autobiographical webcomic as a sense-making, carthartic, and celebratory endeavour.

Themes covered include the critique of neoliberal capitalist ideology, as it manifests itself in the institution of the university and the phenomenon of modern-day spirituality; critique of the modern world's techno-pragmatic, techno-utopian zeitgeist (very much undergirded by neoliberal, capitalist, and colonial/post-colonial institutions); critique of the general inaction and delusional belief in the "myth of progress" and "economic growth" in the face of impending climate catastrophe; struggles to find a way to make a difference as a subject very much moulded by dominant systems of oppression and domination; and finally, composting, growing plants, and regenerating the soil.

Interwoven amongst all that heavy stuff is, as always, a good dose of humour.

This webcomic was published as part of a critical online journal that refuses dominant and default narratives, and celebrates stories and forms of knowing that have been trashed and neglected.


Jun Qi - Art & Illustration

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