Jun Qi - Art & Illustration

Jun Qi

storytelling and illustration

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The Fox who wanted Nine Golden Tails - Storytelling Performance and Picture Book

Since 2022
Digital painting of a cover for a children's book, titled 'The Fox who wanted Nine Golden Tails'. It shows a stylized red fox with its back arched downwards and its nine sparkling golden tails waving above its head and back, shimmering gold, pink, blue, and green. In the background a dark scaly shape with red har looms, and an eye can be seen. The title is written in gold on the cover. The style is textured with streamlined shapes.

This is a story I adapted into a version for Mandarin storytelling based off an early 20th-century American children's novel of almost the same name. The novel is loosely based on Japanese mythology and is already in the public domain. I initially wrote and performed the Mandarin adaption for the 398.2 Storytellin Festival 2022 organized by the Storytelling Association (Singapore), and I'm currently mulling over making it into a children's picture book.


Digital painting of a cover for a children's book, titled 'The Fox who wanted Nine Golden Tails'. It shows a stylized red fox with its back arched downwards and its nine sparkling golden tails waving above its head and back, shimmering gold, pink, blue, and green. In the background a dark scaly shape with red har looms, and an eye can be seen. The title is written in gold on the cover. The style is textured with streamlined shapes.
Poster painting cut-out on a stick of a menacing Chinese dragon with blue scales, a yellow belly, sharp claws, and a flaming yellow and red mane, with gray smoke bellowing out of its nostrils.
Poster painting cut-out on a stick of a red fox sitting on its haunches. The shadows are a cool blue and its busy tail is curled around its legs.
Poster painting cut-out on a stick of a white hare, sitting on its haunches and looking three-quarters left
Poster painting cut-out on a stick of a red fox with nine-golden tails. The fox is looking admiringly at his tails
Poster painting cut-out on a stick of a common greenback frog, frontal three-quarter view in a resting pose